徐浩伟 xuhaowei

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 147572b7d1 零部件DVP审批 姓名回显错误

1 week ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 93d10028a6 整车,系统,零部件DVP验证 增加DVP&R导出

1 week ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 6566d0756d DVP问题清单86 整车、系统、零部件的项目DVP基本信息增加保密级别

1 week ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 2089c2bbef 整车DVP的车辆状态描述字符长度修改

1 week ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

3 weeks ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 04d8fc3758 零部件DVP-编辑dvp计划-模板添加的DVP无法编辑

3 weeks ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 4c70b10192 零部件计划/验证审批 审批人下拉选项不显示材料工程师和试验工程师
  • 36ea7cbbfc Merge branch 'qirui-v2' of http://git.nationrel.cn:3000/NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0 into qirui-v2
  • 0c20c170d4 奇瑞-DVP 所有责任人下拉框,在选人时,鼠标移入时,显示该人员的全部部门信息
  • View comparison for these 3 commits »

3 weeks ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 784b3bde7c 零部件DVP计划-点击弹窗报错修改

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • d9d7b105a0 零部件DVP计划-点击弹窗取消后再次点击不进行初始化问题修改

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 9a2315c3ed 零部件DVP模板添加试验解除限制

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • cf49001ac0 系统DVP计划-二轮试验多语言修改为多轮试验

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 6507fbbafa 系统DVP-DV验证窗口的整改记录列表无法显示,无法填写,需适配常见分辨率并满足90%~125%缩放; DVP点击变更后,新增/推送数据增加背景颜色

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 106c32e79e 获取审批流程审批人记录 并进行回显

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 11efaa766c 获取审批流程审批人记录 并进行回显

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • 56295ff242 零部件DVP 新建后 变更原因未清空;上传材料清单按钮在验证阶段禁用

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • c4710d3586 DVP变更按钮是否禁用状态修改

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

  • b917a3d91e 零部件DVP计划试验删除按钮禁用调整

1 month ago

xuhaowei pushed to qirui-v2 at NEW-Enterprise/DVP-VUE_V1.0

1 month ago